
Friday 27 March 2020

Few Habits that make you to live a Healthy Life

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Why daily work out so necessary?

Hey Guys, this is my second blog about health. There should not be any excuse if want live a healthy life. You have to work out. And this is most important thing you can do. Within in day or two of your work out you will notice that it is actually help to control your appetite, boost your immunity, refresh your mood and improve your sleep.

That’s not all, Exercise and work help you to reduce to risk of heart disease, Stroke, diabetes, dementia, depression.


As per survey, work out and exercise gives you more happiness than money. And I must say, the people who follow 4 or 5 healthy habits they live extra disease free decade. To start the exercise all you need is first step. Our laziness is preventing us to go to Gym. Everybody has their own reason. But you have to make it.

How and in what measure you can start your daily workout 

Every age group has different needs so their workout pattern should be different.

For a starter, At least 40 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise like brisk walking or 30 minutes of rigorous exercise like running (or an equivalent mix of both) every week. if you have less time then your can use Treadmill for running at home. It’s fine to break up exercise into smaller sessions as long as each one lasts at least 10 minutes.

Strength-training that works all major muscle groups—legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms—at least two days a week.  Strength training may involve lifting weights, using resistance bands, or exercises like push-ups and sit-ups, in which your body weight furnishes the resistance. And strength training is specially for young age people. Do not try to push so hard in starting. Make sure that start your training to build stamina first.

Back Exercise, Gym Motivation, Health and Fitness

Workout is also depending on your needs. So don’t do same exercise for same needs. And please take healthy diet. Take healthy Diet with having lots of Protein, Vitamin and Carbs as well for hard workouts. Because you exercise and gym would be go in vain if are taking good diet. You can take help from trainer or neutralist.



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